Obviously, you will need the Server Side and the Client Side software from VirtualHere.Using the Client Software you’re able to point it to the Server side USB Hub, have it discover the ports and allow you to connect to those ports like as if they were locally available on that PC. This would be the PC that you’d use from your house or shack. Client Side component is a piece of software that runs locally on your Windows or Mac or Linux PC.So that when connected to, those USB ports appear to your client PC like as if they are plugged in locally. This exposes the attached USB ports over Internet – as in “USB Over Internet” (UoI). Server Side component is a piece of software that runs on a remote computing device such as RaspberryPi or a PC, etc.I am considering deploying this at my N0AGI-Medina DMR repeater site to remotely manage the SLR 5700 repeater. Recently, KC0OUZ-Adam pointed me to the VirtualHere product and this seems to be the best route thus far. I have been exploring a few software and hardware options to be able to remotely manage my Motorola XPR Radios and SLR 5700 Repeaters.